Fluid Dynamics Inc.                                                                        

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OHMUGA Fluid Dynamics Inc. is a research and development company,  located in St. John's Newfoundland  in Canada. 

The company aims  to develop new CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) models, world leading edge  numerical methods and codes, or offer computational services for research, design, and operation of
hydrodynamics in marine (ship) industry, underwater vehicle, offshore structure, water wave or wind turbine, and so on, and bring insight to customers'  complex design challenges through fast, accurate and robust engineering simulation.

The software products of CFD-OHMUGA, Overset-OHMUGA (unstructured grid), and Optimization-OHMUGA are developed by developers with rich  experiences in marine and ship hydrodynamics .

The company will always obey the principle of providing the  best service for customers and improving the CFD products and computations, not satisfying the current achievements. 

The company has a network (see
Links) with other research centers, universities, and companies for technique or resource cooperations, such as IIHR of the University of Iowa, Oceanic Consulting Corporation, NRC-IOT, the Memorial University of Newfoundland, the SimCenter: National Center for Computational Engineering of the University of Tennessee, Applied Research Laboratory of The Pennsylvania State University, ACENET (Atlantic Canada) HPC computer center, and so on.



OHMUGA Fluid Dynamics Inc.                                                    

Email: info@ohmuga.com